Certified Roof Shield Applicator soft washing a roof before restoring it with Roof Reboot by Roof Shield.

On this site, you often hear two terms: roof rejuvenation and soft washing. Both are integral parts of the Roof Shield process to ‘clean, restore, and protect’ a roof. In this post, let’s zoom out to understand what these terms mean and how they add value to a home.

What is Roof Rejuvenation?

Roof rejuvenation is a class of products that restore the performance of asphalt shingle roofs. In the case of Roof Shield, we manufacture a product named Roof Reboot that restores the performance of a shingle to new and beyond.

Furthermore, roof rejuvenation products are essential in extending the life of roof systems before they have reached their failure points. As they age, asphalt shingles:

  • dry out and lose flexibility (pliability)
  • shed protective granules (granule loss)
  • become porous (vapor transmission)
  • become more susceptible to wind and storm damage (resistance)

Any of the above can cause a complete roof system failure, and a rejuvenator, such as Roof Reboot, addresses these issues to extend the roof’s life.

Roof Reboot absorbs into the shingle, addressing the above issues. A single treatment of Roof Reboot:

  • restores flexibility, allowing the shingle to flex and move with the elements
  • stops granule loss, retaining the thickness of the shingle
  • prevents vapor transmission, excess vapor transmission results in roof deck degradation
  • improves impact resistance, making the roof system more effective at withstanding storms

We will discuss these benefits and more in future posts, so in keeping with the overview, let’s move on to soft washing.

What is Soft Washing?

Soft washing combines low-pressure washing with low-ratio bio-degradable chemicals to neutralize and remove organic matter, stains, and dirt from roof surfaces.

Ever notice that roofs begin to turn black and streak in some areas as they age? Soft washing effectively removes these black streaks and is integral to the Roof Shield process. We use industry-accepted ARMA (Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association) standards to clean roof systems before rejuvenation.

Before and after image of the Roof Shield roof rejuvenation process.
Get these results every time with the Roof Shield process.


The combination of soft washing and roof rejuvenation are the foundations of the Roof Shield process. In a future post, I will discuss how Roof Shield applicators combine roof cleaning and rejuvenation through our ‘clean-restore-protect’ process. And how this combination ensures superior results every time.

If you are a roofer, soft washer, or entrepreneur, Roof Shield is selling to and training applicators to service homeowners nationwide. Contact Roof Shield today to join the fast-growing roof rejuvenation and reconditioning sector.

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